Explore our resources to learn why food waste recycling is so important.

State of Organics Report

Michigan Recycling Coalition  

Report of the state of organics recovery which includes food waste recycling recommendations. 

US Food Waste Analysis


2014 whitepaper analyzing US food waste generated by food manufacturers, retailers and restaurants.

Food Waste Analysis Article

New York Times 

Insights on the social, environmental and financial costs of food waste in the US.

Food Scrap Composting Report


A report about opportunities and strategies related to developing a robust food scrap composting industry in Illinois.

Government Policy Changes Study

MIT News

A study providing one of the first in-depth looks at the characteristics of places that have adopted food recycling, revealing several new facts in the process.

Food Recycling FAQ

Greener Organics

Find answers to the most frequently asked questions about our food recycling services.